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About Us

Omni Gaming exists to create a unified and inclusive space for passionate gamers from all walks of life. Our mission is to foster an environment that emphasizes teamwork, tactical acumen, open communication, and mutual respect. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful community, free from discrimination, political discourse, religious debates, and adult content. In every interaction, our mantra is to ‘Game together, grow together’.

We’re proud to cater to a wide variety of fantastic games and we primarily use Discord as our hub for communication. We heartily welcome anyone who’d like to join our Discord server as a guest. If you find our community engaging and wish to join as a member, we invite you to register on our website. We look forward to having you be part of our thriving gaming community.

Chain of Command

We value the structure and efficiency a chain of command brings to our Omni Gaming community. To ensure smooth operations, we request members to direct their questions or issues to their immediate leaders.

However, we truly value and encourage member feedback, as you are the heart of our community. We strive for a community-driven approach and transparency in major decision-making. Therefore, while we adhere to the chain of command for day-to-day operations, we continuously seek and value your input to shape our collective gaming experience and community evolution. 

Cursing & Respect

We encourage all members of Omni Gaming to engage in a respectful and constructive manner. To maintain a positive atmosphere, we kindly ask that profanity, particularly when targeted towards others or contributing to communication clutter, be avoided. Furthermore, we uphold a strict no-tolerance policy towards any form of hate speech or derogatory slurs. Let’s create a friendly, inclusive, and collaborative gaming experience for all.

Discord Rules

Below are the rules for the Omni Gaming Discord that anyone in the Discord is expected to abide by:

Respect: We require all members of the Discord to engage in a respectful and constructive manner. To maintain a positive atmosphere, we kindly ask that profanity targeted towards others or contributing to communication clutter, be avoided.

Inclusive: We uphold a strict no-tolerance policy towards any form of hate speech or any form of discrimination. Let’s create a friendly, inclusive, and collaborative gaming experience for all.

No SPAM/Promotion: In order to ensure a distraction-free and enjoyable gaming experience for all, we ask our members to refrain from any form of spamming or unsolicited self-promotion. Let’s focus on fostering genuine connections, enriching discussions, and meaningful gaming experience. Do not promote other discords, communities, outside events, etc.(including invites via DM) Advertising other organizations outside of Omni Gaming is prohibited. Please feel free to advertise your own gaming exploits via Youtube, Twitch or other content platform as long as it does not advertise another community.

No Divisive Content: We kindly ask all members to refrain from potentially divisive subjects such as politics or religion. Similarly, any form of adult content is not suitable for our community. Let’s keep our interactions focused on our shared passion – the joy and camaraderie of gaming.

No Cheating: Integrity is fundamental to our Omni Gaming community. As such, we strictly prohibit the use of cheating in game or exploiting game glitches.

Sportsmanship: In Omni Gaming, we believe that good sportsmanship is at the heart of a vibrant and positive gaming community. We strongly encourage all members to show respect towards each other, opponents, and the games we play. Whether we win or lose, we uphold fair play, graciousness, and a positive attitude. Negative behaviors such as taunting, rudeness, or any form of unsportsmanlike conduct are not in line with our community values. Let’s foster an atmosphere of mutual respect, enjoyment, and camaraderie in every gaming experience. 

Frontier Family

In Omni Gaming (OG), we house a unique entity called the ‘Frontier Family’. This serves as the incubation hub for all new games introduced to our community. The rule is that a game remains in this division until it has successfully formed two full squads. Once this milestone is achieved, the game is then eligible for progression and can graduate to become a standalone family within our community.

The Frontier Family is a crucial part of our community structure, helping Omni Gaming to support many different games and diversify the gaming options available for our members while ensuring a committed player base for each game.

Any member is welcome to request a new game be added to the Frontier Family by creating a post in the “new-session-applications” forum on Discord. We ask that everyone follow the Post Guidelines when posting a new game:

  1. Title Appropriately: Begin your post with “Game Request: [Game Name].” This will make it easier for others to find and engage with your post.
  2. Introduce the Game: In your post, provide a brief introduction of the game, including its genre, gameplay mechanics, and any other notable features.
  3. Potential Interest: If you know of other members who would be interested in forming a squad for this game, please @ mention them in your post. Having an initial group ready to form a squad can help get a new game off the ground.
  4. Respect Others’ Opinions: Remember that not everyone may share your enthusiasm for the game you’re suggesting. Maintain a respectful and open dialogue with those who may have different opinions.
  5. Game Availability: State the platforms on which the game is available (e.g., PC, PlayStation, Xbox, CrossPlay). Include any relevant information about its cost or subscription requirements.
  6. Stay Engaged: After creating your post, stay active in the discussion. Respond to comments and questions from others in the community.
  7. No Spamming: Please limit your game requests to one per week to ensure every member’s suggestion has an opportunity to be seen and discussed.

Following these guidelines will ensure a respectful and constructive space for us to consider new additions to our Frontier Family. Let’s work together to expand and enrich our gaming experience at Omni Gaming!


At Omni Gaming, we have a structured onboarding process for all new members to facilitate their smooth integration into the community.

Upon joining our Discord, new members will be able to click “Join Here” in our #next-steps channel to begin their onboarding process. Our objective is to establish an individual connection with each prospective community member via a brief Discord voice call, aimed at welcoming them and discussing their interests and how Omni Gaming can align to those interests. This dialogue typically takes about five minutes and is designed to communicate the ethos of Omni Gaming and understand the new member’s preferences. Following this interaction, new members will be assigned to a suitable squad. This interaction is a fundamental step in our onboarding process, setting the stage for a member’s journey within our community.

As part of this process, we require new members to maintain a clean record of no Unexcused Absences for their first 30 days. During this first 30 days, members will be known as associates. Additionally, newcomers must attend a minimum of four sessions to successfully complete their onboarding. This dual-pronged approach ensures our new members are fully immersed in and cognizant of our community ethos and operations. 

Positions & Structure

Greetings, OG family!

Based on the votes from the community on our structure structure, we adopted a Mafia theme that represents the vibrancy and camaraderie of our growing network. In the spirit of keeping everyone informed and onboard, we want to share with you the new position titles and the roles they play within our community.

Let’s start from the top:

  • Omni Gangster (OG): This is the pinnacle of our structure. They guide the direction of the community, shaping our vision and strategic priorities.
  • Godfather: The Godfather oversees the entire organization, ensuring our vision is implemented correctly, and is the main point of contact for all members.
  • Boss of all Bosses: This position oversees the operations of the entire family and manages our various division Dons.
  • Council Member: The Council Member plays a crucial role in decision-making and strategic planning at the highest level.
  • Don: The Don oversees an entire game family, coordinating with Outfit Heads to maintain smooth operations.
  • Outfit Head: The Outfit Head manages a subset of the game division, ensuring our squads are running smoothly and effectively.
  • Boss: The Boss takes care of the day-to-day operations of their specific squad, ensuring that everything is in order.
  • Underboss: The Underboss assists the Boss in running the squad and steps up to lead in their absence.
  • Street Boss: The Street Boss supervises several squads, providing guidance and support.
  • Capo: The Capo leads their squad, organizing practices, tracking attendance, and creating a fun and safe environment for all squad members.
  • Goombah: The Goombah assists the Capo in running the squad, stepping up when the Capo is not available.

Each of these positions plays a critical role in our organization, contributing to the successful operation of our gaming community. Whether you’re a Godfather overseeing our strategic direction or a Goombah ensuring your crew has a great gaming experience, every role is crucial to our success.
You can see the structure and who is in what roles on our Roster.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and remember, at Omni Gaming, we ‘Game together, grow together’. Keep on gaming, everyone!


Crew Types

We offer three distinct crew categories within Omni Gaming to accommodate various commitment levels and gameplay interests:

  • Casual Crews: These crews are a perfect match for members who have limited availability or those who prefer a more laid-back gaming atmosphere. Casual squads gather for a practice session once a week and offer flexibility for members to enjoy multiple games at a relaxed pace. 
  • Conventional Crews: Suited for more engaged members, these Crews conduct practice sessions at least twice a week. Participation in multiple squads is permissible provided the practice schedules don’t overlap, allowing members to explore diverse gaming experiences. 
  • Competitive Crews: Tailored for those who seek intense competition and high engagement, these Crews require significant commitment, with practice sessions held at least three times a week. Members are actively involved in competitive endeavors such as tournaments, ladders, and leaderboards. Please note that due to the intensity and dedication required, members of competitive squads may only participate in one such squad at a time.

Each crew type within Omni Gaming offers a unique gaming experience, facilitating an ideal fit based on your schedule, commitment, and preferred intensity. Choose wisely to fully immerse in a gaming journey that resonates with you the most.

Unexcused Abscences

At Omni Gaming, we value active participation but recognize the importance of balancing gaming with real-life responsibilities. If you’re unable to attend a scheduled session, we request you inform your leadership in advance to avoid an unexcused absence. Extenuating circumstances where a member is unable to notify their leadership such as a car accident or firefighter responding to a fire will be taken into account by leadership. Consistent engagement is crucial for our community; hence, any member accumulating four consecutive or six total unexcused absences will be transitioned from our active rosters. Such members are still welcome to engage in our Discord, though they will no longer hold active community membership status.

Unexcused Absences are removed from a member’s history after 3 months with attendance and no Unexcused Absence. 

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